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Strony: 1
Plik źródłowy: … QCD-10600/
Attacker Defender
-1.700.001.000 VS -27.638.000
MrMajster [ZLY SEN] Drak [QCD]
On 05-01-2018, the following fleets met in battle:
AttackerMrMajster [ZLY SEN]
Battlecruiser 20.000
Espionage Probe 1
Defender Drak [QCD]
Large Cargo 10.000
Colony Ship 1
Recycler 1
Deathstar 452
Rocket Launcher 5.000
Light Laser 5.000
After the battle ...
Attacker MrMajster [ZLY SEN]
Defender Drak [QCD]
Large Cargo 0 ( -10.000 )
Colony Ship 0 ( -1 )
Recycler 0 ( -1 )
Deathstar 452 ( -0 )
Rocket Launcher 0 ( -5.000 )
Light Laser 0 ( -5.000 )
The defender has won the battle!
The attacker lost a total of 1.700.001.000 units.
The defender lost a total of 140.058.000 units.
At these space coordinates now float 462.014.000 metal and 602.018.900 crystal.
The chance for a moon to be created from the debris was 20%.
Debris harvested by the defender(s):
8.030.000 Metal and 8.030.000 Crystal
8.030.000 Metal and 8.030.000 Crystal
8.030.000 Metal and 8.030.000 Crystal
8.030.000 Metal and 8.030.000 Crystal
8.030.000 Metal and 8.030.000 Crystal
8.030.000 Metal and 8.030.000 Crystal
7.020.000 Metal and 7.020.000 Crystal
1.010.000 Metal and 1.010.000 Crystal
Total debris harvested by the defender(s):
56.210.000 Metal and 56.210.000 Crystal
Summary of profit/losses:
Summary attackers
Metal: -600.000.000
Crystal: -800.001.000
Deuterium: -300.000.000
The attacker lost a total of 1.700.001.000 units.
Summary defender
Metal: -21.310.000
Crystal: -6.316.000
Deuterium: -12.000
The defender lost a total of 27.638.000 units.
Ostatnio edytowany przez holon (2018-01-06 00:01:52)
Strony: 1
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